Sunday, June 6, 2010

Potty Training

So we have been working on potty training Kaiya lately and the other day I told her to sit on the potty. She was sitting there watching TV going potty and I walked into the kitchen for a minute and came back and she was bobbing back and forth looking like she was going to fall asleep. It didn't take her long and she was completely out sitting in this position. She even started snoring. I had a good laugh over it.


Andrea said...

Crack up! Laughing my head off! At least she sits on it, Carson used to just pee all over everything.......Yay, for little boys :)

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I forgot your e-mail, so send me a message to arkriegerpainting at hotmail for an invite. Good Luck!!!!

Jen Simmons said...


Scott and Kel said...

Those are classic!! and I'm sure they will come in handy some day :) So funny!!!